SGGSAng 484Raag AsaSri Kabir Jio11 linesBhagat Kabir Ji

Awsw ]

aasaa ||


korI ko kwhU mrmu n jwnW ]

koree ko kaahoo maram n jaanaan ||

No one knows the secret of God, the Cosmic Weaver.

sBu jgu Awin qnwieE qwnW ]1] rhwau ]

sabh jag aan thanaaeiou thaanaan ||1|| rehaao ||

He has stretched out the fabric of the whole world. ||1||Pause||

jb qum suin ly byd purwnW ]

jab thum sun lae baedh puraanaan ||

When you listen to the Vedas and the Puraanas,

qb hm ieqnku psirE qwnW ]1]

aucwrx ieq-nku

thab ham eithanak pasariou thaanaan ||1||

You shall know that the whole world is only a small piece of His woven fabric. ||1||

Drin Akws kI krgh bnweI ]

aucwrx kr-gh

dhharan akaas kee karageh banaaee ||

He has made the earth and sky His loom.

cMdu sUrju duie swQ clweI ]2]

chandh sooraj dhue saathh chalaaee ||2||

Upon it, He moves the two bobbins of the sun and the moon. ||2||

pweI joir bwq iek kInI qh qWqI mnu mwnW ]

paaee jor baath eik keenee theh thaanthee man maanaan ||

Placing my feet together, I have accomplished one thing - my mind is pleased with that Weaver.

jolwhy Gru Apnw cIn@W Gt hI rwmu pCwnW ]3]

jolaahae ghar apanaa cheenhaan ghatt hee raam pashhaanaan ||3||

I have come to understand my own home, and recognize the Lord within my heart. ||3||

khqu kbIru kwrgh qorI ]

aucwrx kwr-gh

kehath kabeer kaarageh thoree ||

Says Kabeer, when my body workshop breaks,

sUqY sUq imlwey korI ]4]3]36]

soothai sooth milaaeae koree ||4||3||36||

The Weaver shall blend my thread with His thread. ||4||3||36||