SGGSAng 485Raag AsaSri Naamdev Jio11 linesBhagat Namdev Ji

Awsw ]

aasaa ||


AwnIly kuµB BrweIly aUdk Twkur kau iesnwnu krau ]

aaneelae kunbh bharaaeelae oodhak thaakur ko eisanaan karo ||

Bringing the pitcher, I fill it with water, to bathe the Lord.

bieAwlIs lK jI jl mih hoqy bITlu BYlw kwie krau ]1]

baeiaalees lakh jee jal mehi hothae beethal bhailaa kaae karo ||1||

But 4.2 million species of beings are in the water - how can I use it for the Lord, O Siblings of Destiny? ||1||

jqR jwau qq bITlu BYlw ]

jathr jaao thath beethal bhailaa ||

Wherever I go, the Lord is there.

mhw Anµd kry sd kylw ]1] rhwau ]

mehaa anandh karae sadh kaelaa ||1|| rehaao ||

He continually plays in supreme bliss. ||1||Pause||

AwnIly PUl proeIly mwlw Twkur kI hau pUj krau ]

aucwrx mwlw: polw bolo

aaneelae fool paroeelae maalaa thaakur kee ho pooj karo ||

I bring flowers to weave a garland, in worshipful adoration of the Lord.

pihly bwsu leI hY Bvrh bITl BYlw kwie krau ]2]

pehilae baas lee hai bhavareh beethal bhailaa kaae karo ||2||

But the bumble bee has already sucked out the fragrance - how can I use it for the Lord, O Siblings of Destiny? ||2||

AwnIly dUDu rIDweIly KIrµ Twkur kau nYvydu krau ]

aucwrx nY-vydu

aaneelae dhoodhh reedhhaaeelae kheeran thaakur ko naivaedh karo ||

I carry milk and cook it to make pudding, with which to feed the Lord.

pihly dUDu ibtwirE bCrY bITlu BYlw kwie krau ]3]

pehilae dhoodhh bittaariou bashharai beethal bhailaa kaae karo ||3||

But the calf has already tasted the milk - how can I use it for the Lord, O Siblings of Destiny? ||3||

eIBY bITlu aUBY bITlu bITl ibnu sMswru nhI ]

eebhai beethal oobhai beethal beethal bin sansaar nehee ||

The Lord is here, the Lord is there; without the Lord, there is no world at all.

Qwn Qnµqir nwmw pRxvY pUir rihE qUµ srb mhI ]4]2]

thhaan thhananthar naamaa pranavai poor rehiou thoon sarab mehee ||4||2||

Prays Naam Dayv, O Lord, You are totally permeating and pervading all places and interspaces. ||4||2||