SGGSAng 1382Salok Shaikh Farid JiSalok Seikh Farid Ke3 linesGuru Arjan Dev Ji

mhlw 5 ]

aucwrx mh`lw pMjvw

mehalaa 5 ||

Fifth Mehl:

PrIdw BUim rMgwvlI mMiJ ivsUlw bwg ]

fareedhaa bhoom rangaavalee manjh visoolaa baag ||

Fareed, in the midst of this beautiful earth, there is a garden of thorns.

jo jn pIir invwijAw iqMn@w AMc n lwg ]82]

jo jan peer nivaajiaa thinnhaa anch n laag ||82||

Those humble beings who are blessed by their spiritual teacher, do not suffer even a scratch. ||82||