BYrau mhlw 5 ]
aucwrx BYrau mh`lw pMjvw
bhairo mehalaa 5 ||
Bhairao, Fifth Mehl:
ds imrgI shjy bµiDAwnI ]
dhas miragee sehajae bandhh aanee ||
I easily tied up the deer - the ten sensory organs.
pWc imrg byDy isv kI bwnI ]1]
paanch mirag baedhhae siv kee baanee ||1||
I shot five of the desires with the Word of the Lord's Bani. ||1||
sµqsµig ly ciVE iskwr ]
santhasang lae charriou sikaar ||
I go out hunting with the Saints,
imRg pkry ibnu Gor hQIAwr ]1] rhwau ]
mrig pakarae bin ghor hathheeaar ||1|| rehaao ||
And we capture the deer without horses or weapons. ||1||Pause||
AwKyr ibriq bwhir AwieE Dwie ]
aakhaer birath baahar aaeiou dhhaae ||
My mind used to run around outside hunting.
Ahyrw pwieE Gr kY gWie ]2]
aucwrx A-hyrw
ahaeraa paaeiou ghar kai gaane ||2||
But now, I have found the game within the home of my body-village. ||2||
imRg pkry Gir Awxy hwit ]
mrig pakarae ghar aanae haatt ||
I caught the deer and brought them home.
cuK cuK ly gey bWFy bwit ]3]
chukh chukh lae geae baandtae baatt ||3||
Dividing them up, I shared them, bit by bit. ||3||
eyhu Ahyrw kIno dwnu ]
aucwrx A-hyrw
eaehu ahaeraa keeno dhaan ||
God has given this gift.
nwnk kY Gir kyvl nwmu ]4]4]
naanak kai ghar kaeval naam ||4||4||
Nanak's home is filled with the Naam, the Name of the Lord. ||4||4||