SGGSAng 12SohilaSohila8 linesGuru Nanak Dev Ji

rwgu Awsw mhlw 1 ]

aucwrx rwgu Awsw mh`lw pihlw

raag aasaa mehalaa 1 ||

Raag Aasaa, First Mehl:

iCA Gr iCA gur iCA aupdys ]

shhia ghar shhia gur shhia oupadhaes ||

There are six schools of philosophy, six teachers, and six sets of teachings.

guru guru eyko vys Anyk ]1]

gur gur eaeko vaes anaek ||1||

But the Teacher of teachers is the One, who appears in so many forms. ||1||

bwbw jY Gir krqy kIriq hoie ]

baabaa jai ghar karathae keerath hoe ||

O Baba: that system in which the Praises of the Creator are sung

so Gru rwKu vfweI qoie ]1] rhwau ]

so ghar raakh vaddaaee thoe ||1|| rehaao ||

-follow that system; in it rests true greatness. ||1||Pause||

ivsuey cisAw GVIAw phrw iQqI vwrI mwhu hoAw ]

visueae chasiaa gharreeaa peharaa thhithee vaaree maahu hoaa ||

The seconds, minutes and hours, days, weeks and months,

sUrju eyko ruiq Anyk ]

aucwrx ru`iq

sooraj eaeko ruth anaek ||

And the various seasons originate from the one sun;

nwnk krqy ky kyqy vys ]2]2]

naanak karathae kae kaethae vaes ||2||2||

O Nanak, in just the same way, the many forms originate from the Creator. ||2||2||