SGGSAng 276Raag GauriSukhmani Mahalla 510 linesGuru Arjan Dev Ji

keI koit KwxI Aru KMf ]

kee kott khaanee ar khandd ||

Many millions are the fields of creation and the galaxies.

keI koit Akws bRhmMf ]

kee kott akaas brehamandd ||

Many millions are the etheric skies and the solar systems.

keI koit hoey Avqwr ]

kee kott hoeae avathaar ||

Many millions are the divine incarnations.

keI jugiq kIno ibsQwr ]

kee jugath keeno bisathhaar ||

In so many ways, He has unfolded Himself.

keI bwr psirE pwswr ]

kee baar pasariou paasaar ||

So many times, He has expanded His expansion.

sdw sdw ieku eykµkwr ]

sadhaa sadhaa eik eaekankaar ||

Forever and ever, He is the One, the One Universal Creator.

keI koit kIny bhu Bwiq ]

kee kott keenae bahu bhaath ||

Many millions are created in various forms.

pRB qy hoey pRB mwih smwiq ]

prabh thae hoeae prabh maahi samaath ||

From God they emanate, and into God they merge once again.

qw kw AMqu n jwnY koie ]

thaa kaa anth n jaanai koe ||

His limits are not known to anyone.

Awpy Awip nwnk pRBu soie ]7]

aapae aap naanak prabh soe ||7||

Of Himself, and by Himself, O Nanak, God exists. ||7||